
Patient Record Management

 The Module manages basic information about Patient as well as Next of kin information. It also contain information about the group(s) [like HMO, family etc] the patient belongs to.
 The module has powerful search feature that enable user to find patients quickly with ease. You can search and find patients with many criteria - name, email, phone etc. Just type it in.
 It has inbuilt personalized notification and messaging to patients.
 It serves information to other modules

Medical Report

 Manage medical report of patient - investigation, med report, treatment, diagnosis etc.
 Show medical cases of patients.
 Shows history of how patients was treated and drug administered in each medical visit/case.
 Integrated with ICPC code - WHO recommended way of classifying sickness.
 Has inbuilt predefined treatment.

Appointment Scheduling and Management

 Helps you to schedule an appointment with patients
 It enable to send reminder SMS to the patient one day before, two days before or one week before; based on your settings

Billing Module

 Manage bills of patients.
 Shows bill history of patient.
 Shows debtor alert when patient is owning.
 It tracks bills from every part of the application module and collate it for efficient accounting.

Payment Module

 Manage payment of patients.
 Shows payment history of patients.
 It tracks payments and collates it for efficient accounting.

Vital Sign Module

 Help you manage vital sign of patients
 Automatic BMI calculation
 See the historical vital sign

Wallet Module

 Fund patient wallet
 Patient can make payment with wallet
 Make tranfer from patient wallet to another wallet
 Patient can pay for friends and families from his/her wallet

Automatic Financial Reconciliation

 System reconciles the finance of patient automatically.

Drug Administration

 Helps You Administer Drug Correctly
 Keep track of how nurses administer drug to patient(s).
 See who did what.

Expenditure and Expense Tracker

 Help you manage expenses
 Gives you details of what you spent daily, monthly and yearly
 Provide important information to help you make right decision

Discount Module

 Helps you manage patients discount

Queue Module

 Help you manage patients that visited the hospital
 Arrange patient in first-come-first serve order
 Patient on emergency can be promoted

Predefined Treatment

 Help you keep record of treament pattern
 Easily retrieve at anytime

Inventory Module

 Manage drug stocks
 Manage inventory feed
 Track how, when and who drugs are given to
 Adds drug billing automatically

Labour Summary

 Record information about baby and births
 Help access statistics about daily, monthly and yearly birth

Dashboard and Statistics

 View table, charts and graph showing overview of activities on all the system modules
 View information like total billing, payment, medical reports, vital signs, patients visited, diagnosis, births, etc

Lab Test and Lab Service Module

 Manage Lab test of patients
 Lab technician adds test based on doctors med report
 Doctors can see the result and act accordingly
 See the historical test of the patient

Pregnancy and Antenatal Management

 Keep historical record of pregnancy of patient
 Keep record of patients' pregnancy data from conception to delivery

Nurse Notes

 Manage daily report of nurses and shift basic
 Keep track of who does what and when
 Know nurses on duty during report

Send customized SMS to patient right from the system

 Send customized message to patient(s) easily from the software.

Know your debtors

 System helps you to keep track of your debtors


 Help you engage with your patients
 Send automated birthday SMS (messages) to patients
 Send other personalized messages to patients

Be productive. Be more efficient.
Save time. Save money

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